DuckDuckGo Sees Significant Growth as Consumers Look for Privacy-Centric Search Engines – The Merkle | Logic Inbound
DuckDuckGo Sees Significant Growth as Consumers Look for Privacy-Centric Search Engines – The Merkle | Logic Inbound
DuckDuckGo Sees Significant Growth as Consumers Look for Privacy-Centric Search EnginesThe MerkleWhen talking about search engines, most people only think of Google. Very few people seem to realize there are other popular search engines out there, even though they usually own a smaller market share. DuckDuckGo recently revealed that they …Google Rival DuckDuckGo Hits 14 Million Searches In One Day, 10 Billion TotaliTech Post‘Private’ Google rival hits 4bn searches in 2016Marketing Interactiveall 6 news articles »
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